Thank you for visiting the new site. A lot has changed since you last visited.
During this unprecedented time, Kimberly and I quickly saw the need for greater flexibility when it came to buying our wine. So two major changes have happened. Firstly, you can purchase wine directly from the site, a huge leap forward for us. And if you create a customer profile, not only is it quicker to check out on future purchases, you will also be automatically enrolled into the loyalty system. Meaning the more you spend, the more loyalty points you earn. The more loyalty points you have, the more free wine you can get!
Secondly, an exciting development for the winery, we have created two wine clubs that give our loyal customers access to exclusive wines not available to the general public and all year round benefits. Click here to join and for more details.
Finally, New York state is emerging out of lockdown. This means our opening hours will change to reflect current working conditions. Curbside pick is still available for those customers who still want it. But the big change is the tasting room is now open for outdoor seating. Face masks must be worn at all times except when seated at a table. Safety of our staff and our customers is extremely important to us so your co-operation in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Keep checking back for updates or better still sign up for your very own account and be the first to get the latest.
Stay safe and healthy,
Tousey Winery